Thank You

I have been a student in the classroom my entire life…grades K-12, undergraduate education, first two years of medical school…until this year. Finishing my 3rd year of medical school was a milestone in my education. It was a transition. Studying from books and lectures is very different than learning from patients in a clinical setting. Not only do the patients, physicians and residents keep you on your toes, but you are also learning to work in a new system—the healthcare system.  Every day, I find myself asking for help from people who know this system. It’s a humbling experience to ask for help, especially for a perfectionist, Type A personality who has always hated asking for help.

It didn’t take me long to realize how much help I would need in this transition. This is a thank you note to some of the people I have worked with last year who made the transition possible.

  • To the attending physicians, for your patience and experience.
  • To the residents, who provide valuable teaching and some of the most applicable wisdom about choosing a career and getting around the hospital. Also, thanks for all the meals and coffee during the long days!
  • To the scrub techs, who have been patient with me in the operating room, even when I get 3 of my fingers stuck in one glove finger, every single time.
  • To the nurses, who know the most about my patients and help me learn about them.
  • To the cleaning and laundry staff for helping out when we leave a mess.
  • To the nurse practitioners and physicians assistants who have shared their experience with me.
  • To the unit secretaries, who help me find anything and everything I need.
  • To everyone working in the cafeteria, Subway, Chick-fil-a, and Au Bon Pain for feeding me.
  • To the people who work in Starbucks, even in the late hours of the night. Not sure what we would do without that coffee.
  • To the social workers, who work tirelessly to help our patients navigate life and the healthcare system.
  • To the ladies at the front desk who greet me with a smile when I walk in early in the mornings.
  • To the staff at employee health, who keep us healthy so that we can help keep others healthy.
  • To the respiratory therapists…I could never do your job.
  • To the physical and occupational therapists who help prepare our patients to heal.
  • To the pharmacists who help understand what I consider to be one of the hardest topics in medicine.
  • To language services for being available any time to make sure language is not a barrier to patient care.
  • To the security guards, keeping the hospital, patients and staff safe.
  • To the chaplains and spiritual leaders who guide our patients through tough times and teach us about the grieving process.

Obviously I’ve missed people on this list, and it’s not because you haven’t helped me immensely as I learn how to transition from being in a classroom to working within the healthcare system! I am just one small part of that system now, and it would be impossible to navigate it without the help of so many people.

Thank you!


Maglin Halsey

Maglin Halsey

I’m originally from Knoxville, TN, and found my way to South Carolina four years ago to pursue my undergraduate education at Clemson University. I graduated in May 2012 with a degree in Bioengineering, and I’m thrilled to be spending four more years in this area. I am passionate about USC School of Medicine Greenville’s commitment to community wellness and developing well-rounded doctors. I am excited to share this journey of our charter class with you.

Transforming Medical School Blog