All posts tagged Rachel Heidt

A Death in Haiti

It was my first full day in Haiti. I had arrived the day before, both excited and nervous to begin my summer volunteer experience as…

Finding Inspiration

I originally decided to come to medical school because of an interest in child & adolescent psychiatry. Unsure of what I wanted to do after…


What Studying (Life) Mixed with Kittens Looks Like

This summer, my husband Ethan and I had twins—with fur. We welcomed Mookie Betts & Lola Belle into our little family in July. There was…


The Art of the Physical Exam

Observe, record, tabulate, communicate. Use your five senses….Learn to see, learn to hear, learn to feel, learn to smell, and know that by practice alone…

Compassionate & Quality Care for All

“The physician who knows only medicine, knows not even medicine.” – Mark Twain Over the first weekend of February, several USCSOMG students (pictured above) had…


My Favorite Day

“What day is it?” asked Pooh “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet. “My favorite day,” said Pooh. ― A.A. Milne   After an amazingly relaxing winter break…


Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Cause

During my last EMT shift as an intern, we transported a man who had congestive heart failure, reporting that his fluid meds were not working…


Lessons of Life and Death

To say thank you, is in recognition of humanity. —Toni Mont  I remember distinctly the first time that I saw a human brain. It was…


Connections, curiosity and gifts

So I’ve been in medical school for less than a month, and so far, I have signed up to become a member of the American…