All posts tagged Hannah Kline

GHS Community Health Summit

On April 8, 2017, Greenville Health System hosted the 11th Annual Minority Health Summit (now known as the Community Health Summit). The Summit is a yearly…

Patients: Teachers for Life

Have you ever thought about what type of learner you are? Visual? Auditory? Kinesthetic? A combination of two or all three? Maybe you have different…


Living Intentionally

Let me begin with this – I am a wonderer. I am a wonderer and a wanderer. Last week I wandered outside of the hospital…


Putting Myself in Her Shoes

My attending handed me Mrs. Green’s* (name changed to protect the patient’s privacy) chart, led me to the door, and entered the room to speak…

Monday Night Lights

Lacing up my cleats, I looked across the field and saw familiar faces, which was a first. Even though it was only our second game,…