All posts tagged Lifestyle Medicine


Healthy Perspectives from a Medical Student

I never thought that I would lead a healthier lifestyle once in medical school. I assumed that the long days and late nights of copious,…

Student runs from stress toward health

I have never been a big runner. My peak was in junior high P.E. when I struggled through two miles in our running unit. So in…


The Value of Lifestyle Medicine

Today’s “Transforming Medical School Blog” is a question-and-answer entry from Dr. Jennifer Trilk about the value of Lifestyle Medicine in today’s healthcare environment.   Question:…


Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Cause

During my last EMT shift as an intern, we transported a man who had congestive heart failure, reporting that his fluid meds were not working…


Lifestyle Medicine Think Tank Coming Soon

By 2020, the World Health Organization predicts that two-thirds of all worldwide diseases and death will be the result of lifestyle choices such as poor…